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Leveling Up at Work = Feeling like Crap

Feb 12, 2019

You should feel scared and slightly anxious at work at least once a month.

Do you know why?

Because it means you're learning something new.

This topic feels cliched and dragged through the self-development mud but, hear me out.

Amazon (bless its heart) is one the leading companies to practice this.

When I worked there in my wee, adorable and ambitious late twenties ^_^ I remember having to learn a new function every three weeks.

The team I was on cycled our responsibilities and it was a killer.

I would feel sick with unsurety and lots of overwhelm. Quite often I had small anxiety attacks before bed. 

I wouldn't change that experience for the world. I'd choose it over and over, again and again. 

Because it meant I was stretching. I was becoming someone new (literally.)

"To be someone new means to do things you've NEVER done before"

An indication of this is what I mentioned above...

If you're having heart palpitations before bed, and find yourself feeling like a fish out of water then

You're killing it, babe.

Keep doing that shit. 

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