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We spoke at the Black Enterprise, 2023 Women of Summit Event!

May 01, 2023


Steph here!

I'm so happy to share that I was invited to speak at the Black Enterprise Women of Power Summit (BEWPS), 2023, this year!




This event was a great opportunity to network with some of the most powerful and influential women in business today. Not only did we hear from inspiring speakers like Issa Rae (!), but you also had access to valuable resources and workshops designed to help you reach your career and financial goals.

The amount of women that we work with that are breadwinners or have families deeply dependent on their income is astounding!

When Black Enterprise reached out to Heather at Publicity For Good asking us to moderate this discussion, I said yes because I know when women are safe -

.... meaning you have a solid income or revenue stream

....which means you actually have the mind space to show up fully with your children;
and extended family;


I knew I would be honored to moderate the discussion.

If you attended the event, please say hello and let me know in the comment section!

I was only able to join on the last day and wasn't able to join the entirety of the summit, which was such a bummer for SO many reasons, but to say I was looking forward to attending this was an understatement.

My workshop was an incredible opportunity to connect with other ambitious women about the challenges and joys of being a breadwinner or building a thriving business to support their families financially. There were engaging panel discussions and workshops on topics like work-life balance, marketing strategies that work, and reclaiming your time.

Some of the key takeaways from the day were: the importance of setting boundaries, valuing your time, and learning to say no; building a support network of other women in a similar position; focusing on your “why” to persevere through difficulties; and developing multiple income streams to build greater financial security.

Overall, it was an inspiring and empowering day. I left feeling recharged and recommitted to my own professional goals.

I hope you can say the same, and here's to hoping Soulwork will be invited back! 

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