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So you have less than ___ years of Experience...?

Feb 05, 2019

10 Resume Tips for Candidates with Little Experience:⁣
1. Keep bullet points on your resume to 6 bullets or less. I know this may be difficult but remember you only want to catch the attention of the recruiter not explain your entire role.⁣
2. Make sure the bullet points you keep are EXTREMELY relevant to the job description. This doesn’t mean you should copy and paste the description. This just means you need to have at least 70% of the bullet points be relevant or semi-relevant.⁣
3. Erase any bullet points that have nothing to do with the job you’re interviewing for. Remember you’re just trying to catch the eye of the recruiter. Later you can explain your role in more detail. 
4. Tailor your job titles (please don’t be dishonest but if your title is Software or Application Developer and the job you’re applying to is iOS Developer (and you primarily coded for an iOS system) then change your title to iOS Developer. ⁣
5. If you have more than 5 years of experience and your work is not relevant to your degree then put your degree on the bottom of your cv or minimize that section. For example remove the courses you took and your gpa. Just keep your yeah of graduation and specialization. ⁣
6. Anything relevant you’ve done towards the dream job you’d like, add to your cv. If this means you are applying to a graphic design job and the only graphic design experience you have is editing your church website then add it. ❤️Label the section pro-bono or Volunteer Work. ⁣
7. If you have a short tenure position listed that isn’t relevant then only add 1 bullet point to that role or just only your title, or consider removing it.⁣
8. Add personal projects if they are relevant. ⁣
9. Maintain consistency throughout your cv. Minimize the cv and look at the document. Are the dates, titles and bullets easy to read and pleasing to the eye? ⁣
10. Create a summary that directly speaks to the position you are applying to. Don’t be afraid to show your personality as well.⁣ 👍
🧚‍♂️In the 6-Figure Catalyst, I write your resume for you..... ;-) ⁣

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