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Sep 29, 2018

How effective are these?

Do deadlines push you to work harder towards your goals or are they just a fake goal post?

Well, they are as real as you make them to be. The asshole (voice in your head) will continue to be the asshole it has always been. This includes making light of your deadlines, new behaviors you’re trying to implement while dragging up old failures etc.

Lately, when I’ve found myself confused on what to do, for whatever reason (be it my own negative self-talk or outward stresses) is to ask myself, “what do I want?”

What do you want?

This always brings me back to me. TBH me is much less loud and often times less effective than the asshole but she pops up enough that I know she hasn’t left me.

Recently I gave myself a deadline. I decided if I was unable to meet this goal by my birthday in two weeks, I would change goals.  This is a great idea if you’ve been working on something doggedly for awhile and….failing at it.

In my case, I decided I would completely let go of that goal and laser in on what I really REALLY want, so in essence, I changed goals.

My theory is, if you have something you are obsessed about, you’ll find some way to get it even if it is a tweaked version of what you originally wanted because it’s hard to let go of obsessions.

They don’t go away in my case.

When I was a younger and had a Tumblr (lol it was my life lolz~~) my tumblr description was this: when i set my sights on something, i become consumed by it. it swallows me whole. completely and utterly, until there is hardly enough left of me…to call myself sane. BORN TO WIN

So yeah…. I don’t let go of goals. Period.

Copied below are a few genius women that are helping me on my journey.

I’ve listed the reasons I love them and included their social media.

Here’s to hoping that if you set a deadline then you gain solace from it and that you just tweak your goal and never give up.

Also, a huge thank you to my personal cheerleading squad, my sister.

The girls!

Annie Jaffray – Lifestyle: Health, life philosophy, fitness, Nutrition

She’s the bee’s knees. And, she’s also a sweetheart.

Patricia Bright – Business Owner, Boss Momma, Goddess Wife, Sunshine Personality

Kehinde Smith – Amazing Presentation, Hair/Makeup

Nur – Her message/purpose (She’s a badass coach that focuses on self-creation)

Kalels – Bravery, ability to make lemonade from lemons! (and her fur babies)

Annie Jaffray’s BFF Katharina – CONFIDENCE!

My sister – Perspective, Ambition, Loyalty.

Consider working with me here! Shoot me a message here!  Cheers!

featured image credit: Instagram @c_ _l_ _o (‘Assembly in Okinawa’ by @osamuyokonami )

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